Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Staying Civil Online

It is basically an agreement set to keep you from doing things you aren't supposed to be doing.

1. Behave As Though You Are Communicating in Person
When communicating with someone online, act as if you are talking to that person face to face.

2. Remember That Your Words Are Open to Interpretation
if you post jokes, sarcasm, or other attempts at humor, do not be surprised if someone is offended. Word your postings clearly and carefully.

3. Do Not "Shout" Online
Typing in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS is like shouting and is considered rude.

4. Do Not "Flame" Other Users
In "Net-speak," a flame is a posting that contains insults or other derogatory content. Flamers can be shut out of listservs and chat rooms, and other users can block a flamer's messages.

5. Do Not Send Spam
Spam is the online equivalent of junk mail-uninvited messages, usually of a commercial nature. Most ISPs have strict spam policies. If you are caught distributing uninvited messages to multiple recipients, your ISP may cancel your account. You'll learn more about spam in Unit 14, "Living With Computers"

6. Do Not Distribute Copyrighted Material
Usenet newsgroups and many private Web pages are filled with copyrighted and trademarked text and graphics, posted without the owners permission. Do not think that text or images are "in pubic domain" because you found them on the Internet. Copyrights still apply.

7. Do Not Be a Coward

As a general rule, you should never conceal your identity on the Internet. If you choose to use a screen name do not hide behind it to misbehave

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