Monday, November 9, 2009

1. What is HTML? It is the predominate markup lanage for web pages.

2. What is a tag? It is used to start and finish a phase in HTML.

3. Explain "open" and "close" tags An open tag is at the begining and is used to start the phase and a close tag is at the end and is used to end the phase

4. Steps to create a HTML site (BE VERY THOROUGH!!! I should be able to create my own site from your instructions on this one!) Start a notepad document, then look up HTML codes in google, next use codes on the HTML code site you found to create your site.

5. Give 3 websites that give good examples of HTML tags to copy and paste

6. How do YOU feel about HTML? What did you know already? What do you know now? Will this help you with anything in the futre? Why/Why not? It is pretty easy if you know what your doing, i know the baisc things because my mom does HTML all the time for work, i know basicly the same thing i already knew, not really because i already knew what to do in the first place.

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