Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Acceptable Use Policy

An AUP is a set of rules set that you obide by when useing the internet or computer.

To keep kids from doing things they arn't suposed to be doing at school, so they can concentrate on their school work. No bypassing any filters, because it slows down the server. Don't download music, games or other things onto your laptop, because it casues it to run slower. Don't go to any perverted sites, it might cause a virus to be put onto your laptop. Don't be on anything your not suposed to be on, because link is always watching. Also if you break your laptop dont try and fix it yourself take it to link to fix it.

Have a program set up on the computer to watch and record everything to see how the workers are spending there time and make sure they get there work done.

To keep people from doing stuff there not suposed to be doing, so that they can get what needs to be done first instead of wasting there boss or techers time doing other stuff.

I wouldnt have any rules or requlations because i think its kind of an invasion of privacy, as long as there work was getting done i wouldnt care.

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