Monday, November 23, 2009


Article link:

Article Title: The Megan Meier MySpace Incident

Megan Meier was a 13 year old from Missouri who struck up an online friendship on the popular social networking site MySpace with a person she believed was a new boy in her hometown. In actuality, the “friend” was a group of individuals, including adults, who were intent on humiliating the poor girl because of a friendship with another child that had gone awry. Megan was very upset when she found out the truth, then later committed suicide once the friendship had terminated. The horrifying case stunned the community and caused state government officials to pass some of the harshest cyber bullying laws in the country.

I don’t think that it is right for, young kids to start up a relationship with random people they don’t know or haven’t met. I also don’t think it is right for someone who is only 13 years old to have a MySpace account. I understand that she would be upset, but I wouldn’t kill myself over something stupid like that.

The person that they suspect for bullying the young girl was a mother in Missouri who is being charged for first degree murder for bullying the child and leading her to kill herself. The young girl Megan killed herself, because she was stressed and just felt like she couldn’t take life anymore and just wanted to end it all.

Megan could have stood up and told the police or someone that she knew could have helped her out. She also could have just deleted her MySpace or stayed off MySpace for awhile. Also she could have deleted the fake friend. Theirs just so many things she could have done to prevent it from happening.

This could apply to anyone, because anybody could get cyber bullied. You could be getting cyber bullied at school through texts; you could get cyber bullied by people in other states. Its applies to society because everyone can be cyber bullied it just goes on weather or not they keep doing it because the way you react. If you act freaked out, they will continue to do it because they know it scares you. If you act mad and talk crap to them then they will do it to continue to make you mad.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Staying Civil Online

It is basically an agreement set to keep you from doing things you aren't supposed to be doing.

1. Behave As Though You Are Communicating in Person
When communicating with someone online, act as if you are talking to that person face to face.

2. Remember That Your Words Are Open to Interpretation
if you post jokes, sarcasm, or other attempts at humor, do not be surprised if someone is offended. Word your postings clearly and carefully.

3. Do Not "Shout" Online
Typing in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS is like shouting and is considered rude.

4. Do Not "Flame" Other Users
In "Net-speak," a flame is a posting that contains insults or other derogatory content. Flamers can be shut out of listservs and chat rooms, and other users can block a flamer's messages.

5. Do Not Send Spam
Spam is the online equivalent of junk mail-uninvited messages, usually of a commercial nature. Most ISPs have strict spam policies. If you are caught distributing uninvited messages to multiple recipients, your ISP may cancel your account. You'll learn more about spam in Unit 14, "Living With Computers"

6. Do Not Distribute Copyrighted Material
Usenet newsgroups and many private Web pages are filled with copyrighted and trademarked text and graphics, posted without the owners permission. Do not think that text or images are "in pubic domain" because you found them on the Internet. Copyrights still apply.

7. Do Not Be a Coward

As a general rule, you should never conceal your identity on the Internet. If you choose to use a screen name do not hide behind it to misbehave

Acceptable Use Policy

An AUP is a set of rules set that you obide by when useing the internet or computer.

To keep kids from doing things they arn't suposed to be doing at school, so they can concentrate on their school work. No bypassing any filters, because it slows down the server. Don't download music, games or other things onto your laptop, because it casues it to run slower. Don't go to any perverted sites, it might cause a virus to be put onto your laptop. Don't be on anything your not suposed to be on, because link is always watching. Also if you break your laptop dont try and fix it yourself take it to link to fix it.

Have a program set up on the computer to watch and record everything to see how the workers are spending there time and make sure they get there work done.

To keep people from doing stuff there not suposed to be doing, so that they can get what needs to be done first instead of wasting there boss or techers time doing other stuff.

I wouldnt have any rules or requlations because i think its kind of an invasion of privacy, as long as there work was getting done i wouldnt care.


An emotion is something that describes how you feel.

An emoticon is something is a expression to show how you feel.

10 examples of emoticons and what they mean are:
=) happy
=( sad
='( crying
= ? confused
;) winking
=-OWW surprised
=-) happy with nose
=-( sad with nose
=D super happy
=V=- a man with an aligotor on his head

An acronym is a shorter version of a phrase

10 appropriate examples texting/IMing acronyms are:
LOL - laugh out loud
BRB - be right back
BBL - be back later
G2G - got to go
L8R - later
2day - today
B4 - before
R - are
Y - why
ILY - i love you

Monday, November 9, 2009

1. What is HTML? It is the predominate markup lanage for web pages.

2. What is a tag? It is used to start and finish a phase in HTML.

3. Explain "open" and "close" tags An open tag is at the begining and is used to start the phase and a close tag is at the end and is used to end the phase

4. Steps to create a HTML site (BE VERY THOROUGH!!! I should be able to create my own site from your instructions on this one!) Start a notepad document, then look up HTML codes in google, next use codes on the HTML code site you found to create your site.

5. Give 3 websites that give good examples of HTML tags to copy and paste

6. How do YOU feel about HTML? What did you know already? What do you know now? Will this help you with anything in the futre? Why/Why not? It is pretty easy if you know what your doing, i know the baisc things because my mom does HTML all the time for work, i know basicly the same thing i already knew, not really because i already knew what to do in the first place.